August 2022 Update

There has been quite a lot of activity at the Amherst Opera House lately. Check out our events calendar at for all the details.

In recent weeks we have completed repair of our front entrance steps, added new landscaping on our north lawn, completed scheduling of three musical performances, and had the front of the building freshly painted. Stop by to see the progress we have made in person.

New concrete repair
New landscaping thanks to the Trudeau family.
Fresh facelift August 2022

The FoxFire Affair

The FoxFire Affair

Coming to the Amherst Opera House/Community Hall on Thursday, August 11th, 2022

FREE PERFORMANCE on stage in the historic 120 year old Amherst Opera House, authentic Puerto Rican and Caribbean food available on the north lawn from Boriken Mart. Food & refreshments start at 5:00PM. FREE PERFORMANCE starts at 6:00PM

New Addition to AOHCG Backdrop!

Many of you have seen our original condition advertising backdrop curtain that we think dates to the 1940’s. Since the acquisition of the 120 year old building and the forming of the second Amherst Opera House Company (the first was formed on June 10, 1902) we have wondered why the International Bank of Amherst was not a featured ad on the backdrop.

Thanks to the artistic ability of Tony Albrecht it now has a prominent place on the backdrop. The International Bank of Amherst pre-dates the original Amherst Opera House Co. by 9 years as it was founded in 1893 and the Amherst Opera House Co. was founded in 1902. Since August of 2017 when the building was acquired and the second Amherst Opera House Co. non-profit 501(c)3 was formed, the bank has been a staunch supporter and booster of our efforts to restore the building to community use. We thank them for their continued support.

Restoration Continues!!

Thanks to Moses Robbins our front steps have been repaired.

We continue to make progress on our goal of returning the Amherst Opera House to use by area residents and visitors.

Front Steps Before
Front Steps After

Picnic & Pie Social – June 12th, 2022

Breaking News!! Bruce & Julie of Patchouli just called and are forced to cancel their performance this Sunday for our 120th Anniversary picnic. The performance may be rescheduled at a later date. We are not however interested in canceling a party. So we will be here on Sunday for a picnic, pie & ice cream, and maybe some music if we can find a performer or two. (Fri. 6/10/22 5:43PM)

Join us on the north lawn for a picnic, pie and ice cream, and a return performance by Bruce & Julie of Patchouli as we celebrate the 120th Anniversary of the formation of The Amherst Opera House Company.  AOH Co was formed on June 10, 1902.

Picnic starts at 1:00 PM.  Bring enough to feed your group and if you are so inclined, bring something to share.  Water, Beer, & Wine will be available to purchase.

Pie and Ice Cream Social starts at 2:00 PM when homemade pie, Ice Cream will be available for sale.  Be sure to be there on time to get your chance at home made pies .

Patchouli performs at 2:30 PM.  Bruce & Julie have performed at the Amherst Opera House since it was once again opened to the public in 2018.  No need to purchase tickets.  The performance is provided FREE by the Amherst Opera House Co. Guild and other local sponsors.  Donations are appreciated.

Dance Performance – Acceleration 2022

A dance performance was held at the Amherst Opera House last evening. Another performance is scheduled for this afternoon at 3PM. The admission is free. Come and enjoy the performance by these talented dancers in the historic 120 year old Amherst Opera House.